Thursday, June 20, 2013

dengue pain remedy in tamil

dengue காய்ச்சல்  வந்த பின் இருக்கும் உடல் வலி தீர bakson company fluaid  மாத்திரை 2 மூன்று வேளை  சாப்பிட வேண்டும்.  இம்மருந்து homeopathy  கடைகளில்  கிடைக்கும். 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

dengu cure homeopathy & increase hemoglobin

Euphatorium perf can be taken for preventing dengu fever. Take the pills for 3 days. Then after 15 days ,take pills for another 3 days.

To get relief from body pain after dengue attack, you can take Fluaid Tablets (Bakson company).
Bakson homeopathy

To increase Hemoglobin  , take Ferrum Phos 3X  , 4 tablets thrice a day. It is a biochemic tablet and cheap.

For age above 40, take Ferrum Phos 12 X , 4 tablets thrice a day.  This tablet is sold by most of the homeopathy pharmacies.

Crotalus Horridus  can be used to increase platlette count during dengue fever.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Backpain remedy using Homeopathy
severe backpain, lumbago , slipped disc and stiffness can be reduced by using homeopathy medicines .

You can use Reckwege R11 drops or Bakson B11 drops.

drops: 15 drops of homeopathy medicine in some water 4 times a day

In addition , you can take Rheumaid Tablets (Bakson company ).

tables : 2 tablets thrice a day   will reduce your backpain.

Rheumaid gel can be applied on your back for fast cure.

These medicines bring back your vital force, They are not pain killers. They improve your health.

To increase male vitality 

Take GINSENG 1x homeopathy tablets daily manufactured by Schwabe ,

You can also take Aurum metallicum and Argentum metallicum homeomedicines,

You may also take Damiana drops 10 to 40 .

FOR BACKPAIN , DENGUE  remedies and Hb improvement , please visit my blogs:

To know about pancha bhuta sthalam for Lord Siva in Tamilnadu, India , visit my blog.

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