Wednesday, June 19, 2013

dengu cure homeopathy & increase hemoglobin

Euphatorium perf can be taken for preventing dengu fever. Take the pills for 3 days. Then after 15 days ,take pills for another 3 days.

To get relief from body pain after dengue attack, you can take Fluaid Tablets (Bakson company).
Bakson homeopathy

To increase Hemoglobin  , take Ferrum Phos 3X  , 4 tablets thrice a day. It is a biochemic tablet and cheap.

For age above 40, take Ferrum Phos 12 X , 4 tablets thrice a day.  This tablet is sold by most of the homeopathy pharmacies.

Crotalus Horridus  can be used to increase platlette count during dengue fever.

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